Challenge and stimulation
The next stage of the King’s College Doha educational journey, in Middle School, bears many of the hallmarks of classic adventure stories: your child will be challenged, stimulated and provided with chances to take on more significant leadership roles. Character and independence will be developed and valuable life skills learned.
Unlike some adventure stories, however, there is a safety net. Your child’s wellbeing matters greatly, which is why dedicated Form Tutors will get to know your child exceptionally well. In the Middle School, adventure and achievement go hand in hand with nurture and support.
Personalised learning
Uniquely to Doha, all your child’s lessons at King’s will be taught by subject specialist teachers from Year 5 upwards, enabling a greater depth of study than is on offer in other schools. Personalised timetables and the broad curriculum continue, with all pupils having opportunities to represent the school in a range of regional and international competitions, ranging from the World Scholar’s Cup to a host of local sporting fixtures. A wider range of trips is included to stimulate learning and help your child become more culturally and morally aware.
Our extended school day allows your child to take advantage of a growing range of electives and co-curricular activities, with many Upper School pupils choosing to participate in after-school clubs that are available until 5.30pm daily.
Bridging the gap between Prep and Senior School
Remember how it felt to be 11? No longer a child but not yet a teenager. Grown out of primary school but slightly daunted at the thought of becoming a very small fish in a senior school pond. The Middle School at King’s Prep is the perfect antidote to this feeling. Whether your child is moving up from our Lower School or joining us from another school, the Middle School provides the best of childhood with a safe introduction to young adulthood, with pupils only joining our Senior School when they are ready to blossom as 13-year-olds.
This affords your child the smoothest possible transition between our Prep and Senior Schools, with campus facilities shared between both schools to build familiarity with the next phase, but a self-contained environment for Prep pupils providing them with the comfort of developing their independence and responsibility in a safe space.
Our expectations for your child will nonetheless be high, whether it’s public speaking, playing for the various sports teams or improving their language skills. They will also have an opportunity to join their Senior School peers in a select range of whole-school initiatives such as Model United Nations and our Beacon Programme for our most academically able children. By the time your child starts Senior School they will be fully prepared for the next step in their educational adventure.