Developing a thirst for knowledge

Years 1 and 2 build upon the wonderful learning that our pupils have experienced whilst in the Early Years. Our rigorous curriculum is based on that on offer at our sister school, King’s College UK, and so is rooted in the English National Curriculum whilst providing added stretch to extend each individual child.

Pupils continue to be taught in our bespoke Pre-Prep School campus in small classes and each teacher is supported by a teaching assistant, ensuring that excellent adult-to-child ratios will be maintained throughout your child’s time in the Pre-Prep School at King’s.

Literacy and numeracy have a high priority in Years 1 and 2 to ensure a sound foundation, but great emphasis is also placed on the emotional development of each pupil. Parents are invited to be involved in the various activities on offer and to learn how we teach literacy and numeracy in sessions such as Stay and Play, which focus on numbers and phonics. We also welcome parents to our regular class and celebration assemblies.

In addition to English, Mathematics and Science, your child will a enjoy a range of subjects delivered by specialist teachers, including Humanities, Arabic, Music, PSHE, Physical Education and Swimming. Many additional opportunities for your child are also on offer in our extensive Co-Curricular Activities Programme.